Saturday, August 25, 2012


Picture Captions
[Caption.iT - Face in Hole] We are having a great time hosting the ActivTable in our classroom! We have had some other classes come and use it too, along with plenty of teachers and parents too! It is an awesome resource indeed and we are discovering lots of different things to do on it.


  1. Wow - you guys are so lucky! I hope you had a lot of fun with the table!! We will be interested to hear how you are using it in your class.

  2. Hi Room 11
    Thank you so much for letting Room 3 visit your classroom to have some discovery time with the ActivTable. We had a lot of fun and now wonder if Mrs Parr is going to buy an ActivTable for our school. We took some photos and will put them up on our blog soon.
    Thanks again.
    PS we love your couches and your cool tables and chairs.
    From Kids with a view

  3. The ActivTable looks like fun! My students just started back to school last week so in a few weeks we will be ready to share our blog with you! We can't wait to be blogging buddies with Ms. Rivett's class!
